Food for thought... for these times...

Right, but...

Some of these tattoos are a good excuse to look at what they are tattooed on...
I forget which comedian who said it but I repeat it often:

When I get a tattoo I'm going to get a lifesize one of myself what I looked like 30 years ago.
Heard a funny comment on tattoos recently

On TV one guy was commenting on the arm tattoos of another man, when he said that his arm "looked like he had rolled on wet comic books"!

Made me laugh anyway.

(This doesn't mean I am against tattoos, so let's not start THAT argument!)
I've started a new reality game show called "Guess My Tat".
Contestants will get a 3 second look at a an elderly women's wrinkled and distorted tat and then attempt to guess what the original tat pictured.:excited:
Just a thought or two... Joining the Navy and...

growing up around WWII Vets, everyone had a tattoo somewhere... I was sure I'd come home with at least an anchor or something.

Alas I was always too poor and could never decide on something that was meaningful or that I'd like to stare at for the rest of my life...

I have a few objections today when it appears so many impoverished spend thousands on their sleeves and then clutter their bodies with more and more. Kinda like hanging two Rembrandt's next to each other... they don't ADD to the view, they only detract and distract from each other.

HA... Kinda like using "highlighter" on an entire page... now nothing is highlighted.

Lastly, what about the "viewer"? Are we supposed to stare or remark or read or ignore them? I know not the proper etiquette for these days...

Just sayin'...
that's a good one, Tony

In times like these... one can look around and see the disconnect from reality in the form of a fixation on devices and social media that afflicts many people. I came across the following the other day that resonated with me:

“Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he’s been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to just be people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise… the trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.”

Of course, loving the Fiat ownership and driving experience is also a positive.
