for those who care


maan been there done that
pick your fav
I will just say I buy corp bond funds High Yield
I never buy corp stock
but thats just me
Nothing wrong with the market in general but I'd stick with Asian markets for now if for no other reason then to keep my money out of the USD. It doesn't do you a lot of good if the market goes way up but the value of the dollar negates all those gains. Better than a savings account I guess.
I sold this morning

knowing that it was going to drop so that I can buy it back at a lower price next week. As of right now that move has made/saved me over $1K. Then when it goes back up, I'll have the multiplier of more shares.

But the inflation thing is a big concern too. If inflation is currently around 3%-4% you have to deduct that % from your gains. Wish I could just print money.
[ame=""]‪Greenspan US Can Pay Any Debt. We just print more money.‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I also wish I had bought gold 5-6 years ago like Ron told me to.... :pimp:
I sold gold

at $600. and $900.00
there is MASSIVE deflation under the surface i.e. house prices
what has crazy Ben scared
not inflation
Monetary inflation and price inflation are two different things. The only thing keeping monetary inflation from creating massive price inflation is the deflationary forces at work in this weak economy. That won't last forever. Anyone bullish on the USD is going to get killed in the next ten years.
My 2 cents (sense? scents?)

This was a luck o' the draw thing - I began buying silver with the odd bit of change I had in my pockets in 2002/3 (trickle at first, then the bug got me) for around $5+-7+/oz.

I would get 5 to 20 oz. a week, did that sporadically for about 2 years, then went into pause mode. My co-hort in this exercise dived in feet first, 1000 oz initial buy, then 200 oz a month for the same period.

Since then, silver has out-paced gold significantly. This buffer has seen me through my early retirement (read: no workie for an overly specialized geek, relearning all these damn 3rd & 4th gen syntax thingies) over the past 3 years.

While silver has danced up to the $50/oz mark recently, I've (perhaps stupidly) denied myself the joy of dumping & recouping as the dead cat bounces.

That all said, the idea of buying into the prec. metals market scares the (expletive deleted) out of me - that 5 year curve reminds me of the 70's - and how savagely folks were undone when the slope inverted.

Besides, it takes me saving what I'd spend for lunch for two days now just to get a single oz.

Not sure where I was going with all this, just felt in a sharing mood.

It think that what is happening now is a lot like what happened in the Seventies only worse. If you look at the price of silver and gold from 1970-1980 it went up tremendously and then in 1980 it shot up into a bubble that quickly burst. However, the gains it made where never even close to wiped out completely. I think there is a good chance we could see that again. Maybe gold slowly getting to $5K and silver $100+ then a sharp spike to $10K or $20K for gold and $1K for silver. The exit strategy for inflation isn't available to the Fed this time so I don't know what would happen after that. I think the odds are rather high of a collapse of the USD that could send PM prices really high or near infinity. I don't know for sure except that the Fed is creating massive inflation and fighting that inflation when the time comes will be very difficult. In 1972 if you had told 100 economists that gold would be at $400/oz in ten years I bet 95 of them would have told you you were insane. It's not surprising that so many are bearish on PMs now.

I bot gold in 05/06 at $300 per ounce
people said I was insane then for buying gold
now people say I was insane for selling it
I shorted Real Estate stocks in 07
people said I was insane for betting against real estate
I was not insane then
I believe in the US of A
I believe that Tea Party Repub's will continue to get elected
and they ( Like Reagan) will save the dollar and the country
I hope that is not insane
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Wishful thinking but I won't go so far as calling it insane. I voted for Bush in 2000 thinking he would reduce the size of government and end nation building around the world. I'm done with wishful thinking.:tomato:
Yeah, well....

there will be a huge recession just like Volker's. He was already sitting on double digit interest rates and simply blew out the well fire by jacking them up. I don't follow your logic on this. The Fed has nowhere to go but up and that is recessionary and that means prices and wages drop. The treasury is sitting on cheap debt right now (servicing costs 1.4% / GDP) so what is the problem with controlling inflation? Afraid they will just print money? Maybe, but not with the Euro zone inflation paranoid they won't. The last thing any Administration is going to do is give up the dollar as the reserve just to save a few jobs. I mean look at the supreme irony of today-the AAA rating is lost and huge amounts of money are flowing into the bond market and driving Treasuries up and the yield down to nothing. All the bond markets are fat now, it's nuts.
I disagree

Gold is an inverse investment to the Dollar

I believe in the mag cover effect
when flip this house came on TV for Real Estate
and now
because of all the Gold commercials
I think gold is a bubble
But hey remember
gold was dead for 20 years
until George Bush changed parties

but it will never go to zero
unlike many so called 'Blue Chip Stocks"
[See what happens to all that debt when the prime rate goes to 15%]
Cut spending to match income
cut taxes for corps to match other countries
sell many US assets to cut debt
raise interest rates and we will be fine
may be pie in the sky but will work
otherwise we are not Greece
we will be Japan