Fundamental Transformation of America


True Classic
Found this an interesting read...

"The Standard & Poor's downgrade of U.S. debt is the latest fruit of the Obama administration's big-government policies. Ask Americans how the country is doing, and the response is a vote of no confidence. In August 2009, 34% of likely voters said the country was headed in the right direction. A month ago that proportion had declined to 25%, and last week only 16% thought so. Rasmussen's mid-August poll found that 4% of adults rate the economy as good or excellent, and 66% think we are doing poorly.

Just before his election as president, Barack Obama declared that "we are five days from fundamentally transforming America." He has made good on that promise. Huge increases in federal spending—up 28% in just three years—were the beginning. Putting health care—17% of the American economy—under Washington's control was next. Government control of business is expanding too: 379 new government business rules were added in July alone, according to Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming. Federal government debt held by the public rose from $6 trillion (40% of GDP) in 2008 to $9 trillion (62%) in 2010, The Congressional Budget Office says it could reach 200% by 2037, if the economy doesn't collapse first.

Mr. Obama's original budget for fiscal 2012 would have more than doubled the debt held by the public, from 2010's $9 trillion to $19 trillion in 2021. Politico reports that by the 2013 inauguration, the government will have taken on addition debt to the tune of "$22,500 for every man, woman, and child in the nation" during Mr. Obama's tenure. Some 45 million Americans, or 1 in 7, receive food stamps, up from less than 30 million a few years ago. Finally, in the previous two years our annual economic growth after inflation has averaged only 1.3% annually, just about half our past 10-year average of 2.5%. In the first half of this year, it was running at an annual rate of 0.8%.

The White House says unemployment will decline to 8.25% this year, though it may well remain above 9%. Looking back at the past 50 years, no president has been re-elected when unemployment was higher than 7.2%.

One of the Obama administration's central (and most damaging) beliefs is that tax rates must be raised for what President Obama calls "millionaires and billionaires," which he defines to include individuals and small businesses making as little as $200,000. Interestingly, Christina Romer, who was chairman of Mr. Obama's Council of Economic Advisors, has done some research on the impact of tax increases, and concluded that increasing taxes by 1% of GDP for deficit-reduction purposes leads to a 3% reduction in GDP.
Raising taxes on affluent taxpayers is not just bad economics, it's unfair. The Tax Foundation has pointed out that in 2009 taxpayers earning over $200,000 paid half of all income taxes, even though they had earned just 25% of adjusted gross income. On the other hand, more that 58 million taxpayers, around 42% of tax filers, paid no income tax at all. Add in the money some of them receive in refundable child care tax credits, the Making Work Pay program and the Earned Income Tax Credit, and it is obvious that ratcheting up taxes on higher income taxpayers would just exacerbate this inequity."

Read it all here:
Are you running for office?

Is this your stump speech? It's way to wordy? But if that is the dish of the day, here goes...

Same old stuff-is anyone really not aware of the rise in debt? Is anyone really also not aware that it is not all Obama's tab? Is anyone aware that for all the hair-on-fire hysterics about the immediate impact on the economy, that the servicing of the debt is less than 6% of the budget at present and only 1.4% of GDP. Who doesn't know that things are not good out there. It wasn't Obama that passed a completely unfunded retail price Medicare Prescription Drug bill that added $600B to the budget over ten years; it wasn't Obama who created the pointless Fatherland Security Department; it wasn't Obama who entrained a budget draining committment in Iraq and flop of a war in Afghanistan, it wasn't Obama that basically handed the Pentagon a blank check both on and off the budget for 8 years. it wasn't Obama who suggested TARP and cowed Congress into passing it. It wasn't Obama who passed a tax reduction that took the yearly budget from surplus to deficit overnight to the tune of $1.5T and counting and produced the lowest growth in the post war period until the 2008 meltdown.It wasn't Obama who then seeing that things weren't so go gave every household a $300 handout(that's called deficit funded stimulus by the way) No Child Left Behind was not Obama's program.
The recent debt ceiling rise was required to pay for programs Congress had already passed-a good deal of them from GWB.
You guys on the right wing act like Obama single handedly invented big govermment but he is just midget standing on the shoulders of the Giant GWB and to some degree RR.
Obama hasn't transformed the country. Hell, 50% of health care was already in the hands of the Goverment when he was still a state senator. The additional control in the Reform is pathetic, at least in the sense that it doesn't contain costs at all. This long winded indictment against him is just the same old tarring procedure that can be seen everyday in the conservative press. Like any lie it contains enough truth to be plausible, like any lie it seeks to deflect attention away from any counter facts, like any lie it is told to those who are the most gullible and the best placed to profit the liar.
Wow, your response:clap: made me glad that I'm not a conservative!

Was already glad that I'm not a liberal.:)

Those two factions keep doing the same thing (spending money they ain't got) over and over again.....
Well, I'm glad...

you are glad:)

So what do those of us with a '..pox on both their houses..' attitude do? I mean as purely practical and more or less immediate issue.
TARP was paid back in full. Where's the nearly $1T Stimulous gone?

A baby step would've been for the president to lay off the vacation on Martha’s Vineyard before offering up the same old crapola as “doing more” and trying to pretend he’s Harry S Truman. Except, unlike Truman, the buck always gets passed.

Before asking Americans to pay more in taxes to support a federal government rife with waste and fraud, how about making an effort to improve the crappy product? Obama's "Green Jobs"? A sham... How about for starters, not doing the very things that stifle job growth?... like promulgating uncertainty in the market... adding regulation upon regulation... etc., etc...

He appears to be taking the advice of former Enron advisor Paul Krugman:
'It’s very hard to get inflation in a depressed economy. But if you had a program of government spending plus an expansionary policy by the Fed, you could get that. So, if you think about using all of these things together, you could accomplish, you know, a great deal.
If we discovered that, you know, space aliens were planning to attack and we needed a massive buildup to counter the space alien threat and really inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that, this slump would be over in 18 months.'
And you really have to be aggressively self-centered to say something like this:
At his campaign-style town hall meeting in Decorah, Iowa, President Obama compared the criticism he has received from Republicans and other political opponents to the troubles faced by President Abraham Lincoln during the civil war. “Lincoln,” the president said, “they used to talk about him almost as bad as they talk about me.”
The pity party continueszzzzz...
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Nothing To Do...

....when you're strawberry in a vanilla and chocolate world.

The American system of majority-takes-all lays a groundwork for two factions. Those whose political views lie in neither faction's camp are faced with either participation internal to one of those two factions, or with choosing to not participate.

I used to participate one time I was a member of that very exclusive club, a Libertarian elected to partisan public office.*** Not so much anymore, besides voting, and I have been thinking of giving that up for Lent.:)

****In Pennsylvania, all elected offices are partisan, and the lowest political office is described in the State Constitution, that of Inspector of Elections, a member of the local election board that oversees voting at the division (what you might know as a "precinct") level, anywhere from 500-1000 registered voters. I was elected to this Office by one vote.
During this administration, we've seen 110 new regulations issued that cost businesses $100M or more, per year... small firms now bear a regulatory cost of $10,585 per employee... "Manufacturing" suffers the most, as these new regulations cost $689K per company.

Enough, already.
It's no secret you don't like Obama...

so what is the point of continuing these invectives. Don't vote for him. Vote for one of the bozos or bozoettes from the mainstream GOP selection that will be left after Ron Paul has been shut up by his own party. There, that's you choice. The people who already agree with your position,already agree with it; the people who don't agree with won't be swayed by either the vehemence of your dedication to it or the insistence on its unique rightness.
The problem is bigger than and not even particularly connected to Obama-it is structural;it is Constitutional in nature; it is bound up with the problem of uncoiling god knows how much debt contained in innumerable categories of financial instruments and innumerable individual intruments in those categories; it is part of and inextricable from the global movements of capital; it is a muti variable problem that MY HAVE NO SOLUTION. So, go ahead and tar your villain and continue to parrot the same old kindergarten level economic theory of low taxes and small government and see what the results are-let me clue you in, they will be at least as bad as now because none of it will happen.
Reposting verbatim the majority of an article available elsewhere, and linking it, without offering any additional content of your own is not considered good netiquette.
"Well, that all being said it is probably best not to engage with you any further." - usta 8/7/11

As I responded before, that certainly works for me, thank you.
Never had the honor of being elected...

but sat on a couple of commissions as a 'political appointee' (putatively non-partisan city type thing).That put me close enough to the partisanship to breed considerable contempt for the way in which the nuts-n-bolts of governance pervert intent and corrupt good thinking and does so regardless of affiliation. The 'strawberries' I watched trying to navigate in that world were almost to a person the best thinkers in a general sense and most honest in their statements. With a few exceptions they did not survive and those who did were deliberatley marginalized ( I cannot claim status amongst these admirable folks, to my shame). It has occurred to me in the last week that a few of the Tea Party House members know that they must operate at an almost reckless level simply as a matter of remaining relevant-it would be far too easy for the House leadership to relegate them to the gulag of sub-committees designed to punish and hush the unorthodox. And they have the example of Ron Paul in front them. Even he has been essentially debfanged politically in Washington proper.

"Even he has been essentially debfanged"

Don't know who this Debbie is, but that sounds like it could be fairly painful.
How does paying off TARP...

matter to in a general denuciation of 'big and intrusive goverment' and all the other small governmen talk? Is the sin of such a big government undertaking washed away by the sacred blood of repayment. This is the ethical equivalent of being against cheating but not if you get away with it.

As far as the stimulus goes-it was mostly pissed away on tax breaks, unemployment extensions, work credits, first time home buyer credit, etc. Some of it probably got into the economy in some useful fashion (maybe) , but not much-I read somewhere that infrastructure got $22B when all was said and done(but that was a while back. If stimulus makes sense at all ( a dubious proposition at best) it should have been big buck projects with some natural spin off. But the nickel and dime dribbles did next to nothing and he shot the whole political wad on getting it passed.

Since when is $800B the same as $1T
Obama's "Green Jobs"? A sham...

Thought I would weigh in on this, since it's connected to my field. The three largest laser companies in the world shifted gears a few years ago, and I'm talking pre-2007 financial catacylsm here. They went from specifically tailoring their products for semiconductor industry use (think Intel, Samsung, Motorola, etc.), to adapting their industrial laser systems for PV cell etching and scribing. There was no mistake here. They clearly saw this as the next big application, worthy of a product cycle or two. Luckily, the Great Recession wasn't able to completely kill off the momentum. I'll concede many projects were abandoned when funds or investment dried up. But, as we speak, there are several new PV plants being built right here in the US, by foreign manufacturers. Those fabs are being equipped with laser systems from those companies. Those cells are for domestic consumption, for industrial plant or residential installation. I think that qualifies as a growing industry and certainly not a sham.

Ultimately, just ponder where we would be now on the road to energy independence, if the Great Recession had not occurred, and everything had moved ahead as planned. Simply look to China, who isn't short on cash. In just one year, they installed enough wind generated capacity to overshadow the Three Gorges project. They'll probably look back in a few years and wonder why they bothered building the thing.
A recent report from the...

Economic Forum pegged job creation in the past 5 years in the energy efficiency and efficient grid industry (exclusive of alternate energy industry) at 2.7M jobs. As compoarison, the entire auto industry in America at present employs 700,000.
The report did say that a significant contribution to those industries came from various government funding sources.
Here is the easiest read...

breakdown of where the stimulus went (or is going). There are very detailed spread sheets put together by a group at George Mason U. that gives a state-by-state breakdown but they are just numbers, uncategorized as to the purpose. The main event in the link below is to show how much went to tax reief of one form or another, how much to entitlement progrms and how much to actual hard project spending (it is considerably more that the $22B I mention somewhwere in here)
"Simply look to China, who isn't short on cash. In just one year, they installed enough wind generated capacity to overshadow the Three Gorges project. They'll probably look back in a few years and wonder why they bothered building the thing."

NYT columnist Tom Friedman is also smitten with China. Unfortunately, with the Chinese, one must separate the wheat (truth) from the chaff (bullsh*t) and that isn't easy. They've been known to tell a tall tale or two.Google their miraculous High-Speed Rail... another wonder according to some.One thing you can note is that the Chinese continue to go full court press on fossil fuel supply, as they're buying up everything they can.
You said it yourself...

it is hard to separate... But given they are investing at both ends of the supply train says they might be doing something right. What do they have to lose once the alternative sources are in place, they will still provide power regardless of the cost of oil/coal/ng.
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sorry, I couldn't follow that last sentence.

Update: Now that it has been re-written - this time in English - I see your point... thanks.
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