Good News (I Hope)


Daily Driver
After countless phone calls, and emails, tonight I got word that my X will be shipped on Thursday from Fla to Mich.
It's been like pulling teeth; Oh the shipping company was quick enough to quote and take my deposit, but then...

Guess I should have availed myself of the collective brain power here on shipping, but 20/20 hindsight is always perfect.

Supposedly, delivery will be on Monday, but with the Superbowl and all.

Geeze, after reading this post, and my one on Indycar, one might get the impression that I am a professional whiner.:cry:
I am not, I just want what I pay for.

However, I'm excited to get behind the wheel, fire it up and get it on the road!
I promise plenty of pics ASAP!

Great News

How's the weather on the yoop? Can you get behind the wheel and out on the road, or have they been salted.
We just had a snow event (after having lived in the Northeast I can't call it a storm) and they laid down brine on all the major roads. No X for me until the next good rain.
Can't wait to see the pics.


Is it coming through St. Louis? I could take it for a warm up drive for you. :)
Thanks for the kind offer

But I believe it's coming direct up I75

Salt? There is so much salt on the roads I dont even want to drive my truck, let alone a car that will rust if it just sees a salt truck drive by!

Since it being delivered here at the airport, it may reside in a hangar for a while. Besides, there it will be handy for me to bestow some love on it (plus fix the heater, turnsignals, and A/C!)
