Help me out, pls.


True Classic
Due to the job market... I have returned to school to up my degree, to hopefully increase my job security. For one of my courses we have had to do surveys. I asked you all to take a short one a couple weeks ago, and from the total number of responses compared to friends that told me they took it, it looks like a few of you here did take it. Thank you!

Well, I am asking for your help again. This survey is much longer and includes questions about cars :) I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to take the survy and I promise to return the favor if ever asked. :D This will be the last survey I ask you guys to help me out on since this is for the Final.

The survey is confidential, I have disabled the source IP tracking.

Here is the link

Again, thanks to anyone who can help me out!
Some feedback...

Hi Doug,

Some feedback... The survey is not designed to weed out questions based on previous answers, i.e. if "0" skip follow ups. If it can be made to do that, it would help avoid missing questions.

You forgot minivans in your vehicle choices, I drive a Vanagon most often so I put station wagon.

Some of the percentage questions are unclear; do you mean percentage compared to other devices or total time of device use? I answered assuming compared to other devices.

I had to go back and correct answers because I spelled out some numbers when it was not explained that I couldn't do that. Some more instruction or selections among numbered answers might help there, i.e. 1) 1, 2) 2, 3) 3 or more etc.

Hope this helps.
OK Doug...

Did the best I could but didn't know what the protocol is for answering the series after you have said you don't own a particular device. Does leaving the question blank invalidate the survey ?:confused:
I filled it out as well

Hope it helps.

I'd echo some of the comments above. I left the follow ups blank that didn't apply due to not owning a device. The % ones were a bit unclear for me, too. I answered comparing the devices, so that the sum of percents I entered for all devices would equal 100%.

Good luck with the final.

Thanks for taking the survey and providing the feedback!

I couldn't find anyway in the web tool from the site to allow for logical progression of questions based on previous answers. Also, the questions requiring numbers for answers should only have accepted numerals and if alpha characters where entered a pop up should have alerted to the error, it worked for me on the couple test questions i did to my self prior to entering the complete survey. Sorry that didnt work for you :(
Yes the percentage questions were meant to add up to 100%, and 0%was a valid answer, I would have liked to provided dropdown selections to avoid any confusion. But,oh well you get what you pay for (free) :)

Dang! I and my editor(Wife) missed Van! Too late now, :(
Followups and 100%

Thanks for your help! It would have been nice if the web tool allowed for a logical progression of questions based on previous answers. I also would have liked to provide drop down choices to avoid any confusion on all choices, not just the percent ones, Im just glad I found a free site that didn't require op-in or personal info to use. :)

Probably didn't work due to pop-up blocker.

Yet other vehicles that people would answer: motorcycle, scooter. Especially these days.