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Tony Natoli
Why is this "opinion" piece so "worthy" that is placed in TWO forums...

I'll admit I fell outta the wrong side of my rack today... but can't we keep this "stuff" in the NFC forum and not pollute the rest of this site.

Two more points I'd like to add that most seem to have missed...

1. Any OPINIONS should be sustantiated with some tie to reality or fact, not necessarily to PREFERENCES when stating WHY one thought might be "better" than another. This even works with COLORS, especially when we are talking about camouflage.

2. Resorting to INSULTS and NAME CALLING in never appropriate, and only reinforces that the writer no longer has a valid argument or point. I also disrupts the issue at hand, and makes other readers uncomfortable.

I believe ONE of the purposes of this site would be to ENCOURAGE folks to participate. Seeing crap like this tends to discourage a newbie for fear of being insulted or rebuked...

If you wanna really continue this venture... at least keep it corralled in one arena...

Well I will take the "hit" that I think trying to make a determination on the present/future shape of a major (debatable?) section of the website is a topic of pretty high importance, in terms of wishing to get maximum input from ALL the users (not just the handful in nfc arguing whether Obama is a socialist or not...) It is "about the site" and "we need answers" which is why its in the DF, because, most of the people who are impacted by the tone in nfc section would never even see this topic in there because they no longer even go in there. Name calling? If I called someone a name I apologize (? or were you referring to someone else? or just NFC's overall tone?)
by the way

Tony, your "opinion" is showing ;)

"keep this "stuff" in the NFC forum and not pollute the rest of this site"

"I believe ONE of the purposes of this site would be to ENCOURAGE folks to participate. Seeing crap like this tends to discourage a newbie for fear of being insulted or rebuked..."

BANG! EXACTLY the problem with NFC. IT IS perceived as a CESPOOL/DUMP by many. This is why the damn topic is so "worthy" to ever get sorted out... just my 2c ..."unless" we really just don't mind having a "xweb dump" (or at least a relative perception of one) as a whole section of the site indefinitely..?
Then can we do this as a poll?

This is why the damn topic is so "worthy" to ever get sorted out... just my 2c

More data, expressed more dispassionately, and less shouting that way.

[BTW Mac, your sig says that you have private messages disabled. Still true? I'd be sending a PM instead of posting if I were sure you'd see it]

I deliberately avoided using a poll feature since I tried that the last time this came up and basically, the poll was worthless anyway, because only a handful of people clicked it, which is not representative in any way of peoples true feelings, and then, people didn't like the poll options, how the poll was worded, etc etc. Its a "no win", so I just went straight for "just give me your opinions please". BTW I didnt mean to be read as shouting, "damn" was just for emphasis. Yes my pms are still disabled
no pm ps

I also have stopped checking my personal email as of yesterday and I intend not to log back into it for at least a week, maybe longer, or til after whenever some resolution can be found here (if possible, I guess we don't yet know). This is to prevent any more "offline comments" being made direct to me about "all this", so hopefully, people will just go post those same comments instead to the relevant thread (where the inputs are of FAR more value to the forum-at-large anyway than anything sent "offline" to me ever amounts to being...)
Not YOU, Mac...

Name calling and insults are constantly hurled about on NFC... and when I politely use the words "stuff" and "crap"... it is NOT an opinion, but rather an accurate description.

And YOU said it best right here... when you want the multitudes to see and respond, then the best place to post something it in DF.

As far as I have ALWAYS been concerned... cesspools should not be in the front yard! If ya wanna keep this stuff going, or feel there is a need or a place for such discussions, then keep it WAY OUT BACK where it belongs.

Ya know how much this site, you, and the people here mean to me... (and I don't know why they mean so much... but they do...) and that is why I hate to see it dragged through the gutter.
I understand Tony

Tony, this site (I do not own it, despite what Stallin may tell you), it is not my property but it is my "baby", my "kid" in a way. No one wishes more for the best for this whole forum and everyone who occupy it than I do. NO ONE. No one wants to dump crap in the front yard LESS THAN I DO. But this damn NFC issue has festered for so long man it is not going to just ever go away on its own. It is a big problem I left here (perhaps the last big big one) that is just never going to get worked out "by itself" and I think it would be supremely unfair of me to just abandon Mark Eric and Gregory with it, I created the "mess" by never resolving the thing before I left out. I think talking this through in the DF where EVERY USER (both those who use/love "political nfc as-is" and those who share your/our view) has to face the issue, cannot just duck or dodge it like everyone seems prone to do for so long, I think its going to work this time. To me it is like having my son or daughter have some kind of addiction. I have to do something, even if I am coming off crazy, I am compelled to do an intervention. Do not worry though Tony my man the topic will close soon, my "stink" will blow over faster than you think, and with any luck, not only will we no longer have "crap in the front yard", we wont have it in the "back yard" either by the time we are done. The topic will close soon. Thank you for contributing your view Tony it means a lot to me
ahhhhh --- "ps"

"STALLIИ" (2 Ls) ™ is prone to appear in a flame of great exaggerations in order to illustrate a point of "eventual forum life or death" that the overwhelming majority of users would otherwise completely ignore if it were posted in a white fluffy cloud by the "real Mac"...

He flew in low and fast (and with an undeniable lack of all decorum, again... for very serious reasons though imo in this case...) there is always the danger he might not make it back to base... steeled up. Did a quick strafing run (by "old guard standards" for sure anyway), hit the biggest agonizingly unresolved argument currently in the DF (nothing personal), hit the biggest agonizingly unresolved argument currently in the NFC (again nothing personal, yep even for you Brad, you know you are ok "in real life" so), got "EPIC" attention from both "SIDES OF THE WALL" this dictator would rather see torn down than further fortified (which anyway I am unsure how ever even came to exist and most definitely should never ever have existed this way, it leads only to divisiveness, "the dark path" to quote someone)... then locked on target for the "BIGGEST agonizing unresolved argument of them ALL"... the decade (near seems) long thorn in my whole beloved Xweb's side, "conflict" between DF and OT/NFC. ...and then ejected in a flameout, nearly crashlanded impaled on a tree, got my chute off, and took a big ol crapola in the grass out front. You know what though??? Seriously, it sucks that it had to be done, but, "it IS for your own good!" - ALL of you, like when your bar buddy gives you a sock upside the head in the parking lot heading out after a long night "trippin". A "love tap". I would resign my "rep" for good if it meant my act might save the forum in the long run...

(just saying, as fyi, in case anyone reading along with you and I had not yet already put that "corner piece" into their puzzles yet,...)

perhaps as a result of living my formative years behind the "Orange Curtain" (in the County of Orange), I've always found the opinions of others interesting (exotic, maybe?), re: politics or other topics. I also enjoy trading insults, feigning outrage and waxing with gobs of pomposity. But I understand that others don't have thick skins or, for that matter, the same interests. And I must admit that I hadn't thought of how these topics may be difficult for our friends from overseas to relate to. And I did, unfortunately, break a solemn vow.

In any case, no mas.
Brad (and all)...

(can scarcely believe I am about to say this... but... b.b.bBrad, it is all good :))

I want to apologize to you for coming in "old school style" and just coming completely unglued on you (albeit "in character" you should probably have 'sensed' coming by now! ha), and same apology goes to StL Chris too btw (who probably I would not expect to have been prepared for his 'role' but took it like an adult which was all he had to do). You know you guys and gals are great, even at your worst, you are better than any other "damn website" out there...

...that does not mean though that you should not take self examination more seriously once in a while in here, else, everyone tends to become "too" set in their ways to see perhaps as clearly the forest for its own trees... (just like Stallin, and even sometimes Mac)

Whatever you all see fit as my 'punishment/fate' I shall blindly and willingly accept. But from my direction to all of yours, I harbor no ill will or hard feelings anymore. My faith in the forums health has been renewed. I can now go rest easy, "in hiatus" to quote our long lost good man Rudy (Hi Rudy!)

As Rose likes to say, "my job is done here" :jedi:
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