How much does a 1500 long block weigh


Bob Cattera
After removing it from the car, unbolting the transmission, clutch and flywheel, a/c compressor and alternator, how many people will it take to lift it to bolt it to an engine stand? Or should I consider renting an engine hoist?


Probably around 200lbs

or in that general area. Strip it of the alt, starter, etc and it gets lighter. Also, on most engine stands you can take the engine support from the engine stand and then bolt it on to the block. Now when you lift it you just need to slide the mount back into the stand. You really don't want to be holding it waiting for someone to thread the bolts in. :)

HF has some decent deal on engine stands and shop crane. Even though I will rarely use them, I need them now so I bought one of each.I think it cost me about $150 total. Not too bad and I will have them forever.

Shop cranes make great baby sitters too. Just hook it into the straps on back of those little coveralls the kids wear and hoist them up a few inches off the ground. Little buggers will be right there all day... no worries. ;)

I singlehandedly lifted my long block onto an engine stand using a very inexpensive pulley and cable setup. It is rated for 1000lbs.

I purchased this from Princess Auto (similar to Harbour Freight in the US).

I mounted the engine stand bracket to the engine first, hooked the top of the pulley system to the rafters in the garage, the other end of the pulley system to an engine lifting chain and presto, up it came without too much effort.

Now, if you have a couple of friends available to lift, no problem. But I did this solo because it was the dead of winter in Alberta, and NOBODY wants to go out when it's cold out, and I needed it moved.

Hope this helps.....
Bob... Please do as Jiminy suggests...

You'll not regret it and the stuff looks great in your shop when not in use! HA!

That way nobody gets hurt either...
Thanks for the answers guys

I had no idea what the weight was. I know what to do now.
Thanks Tony, I sure don't want to get hurt days after retiring.
