How not to drive in convoy ....

The Prius looks...

to have gotten off pretty lightly. Just proves that God loves high MPG:D
Some of the comments are priceless if politically questionable.
One report I read

Suggested that the Prius driver slowed down to photograph the cars, causing the first car to swerve and lose control.
...causing the first DRIVER to swerve and lose control.

There, I fixed that for you! A silly personal peeve!:rolleyes2: Man I hate it when the news reports 'the vehicle lost control'! They almost never imply the driver was even in the vicinity when his crazy car caused all that carnage!

My car has never once lost control! It's driver? A few more times that he'd like to admit!!! :whistle:
I like...

I like the way in the UK when a car, I mean driver screws up it's a collision. Not an accident, accidents are not preventable. Collisions are. :dunce:

Here in the US we call them accidents as if they're no one's fault. :mallet:
Frankly Greg ....

Most accidents are avoidable given a little imagination and concern for one's fellow motorists.

Fact is that, given a suitably alert lead driver travelling a safe distance behind the Prius, he had the wheels and superior handling to avoid this mess. Don't you think?
That was my point exactly...

Sorry if it didn't come across that way.

My point is that in driving, there are no accidents, only collisions due to negligence.

I think accidents are something else entirely. :tomato:
Yure right

Most accidents are, by their nature and definition, unforeseen and unavoidable.