How to torque cam pulley bolt?


True Classic
I just replaced head gasket and to make putting the timing belt backing plate easier to install, I removed the cam pulley as per the shop manual. The manual just says to torque the cam pulley bolt to 61ft.lbs. but doesn't mention how to keep the pulley from rotating while trying to torque it?
The car in gear won't keep it from rotating, will it?
I read online to put the hand brake on. That will keep the crank from rotating?
Depending on your cam pulley version, you can strategically insert a screwdriver/extension/rod through one of the cam pulley holes that locks it against the cam tower.
I used to use a chain wrench to hold the pulley, they won't hurt the steel teeth on the pulley. Now I just hold the pulley with a gloved hand and zap it with my battery powered impact gun.....never had one come loose.