I'm Officially back now


Flyboy Spagetti eater
Hey all,
I am proud to say that I am officially back among Italian car owners once again. My car isn't an X1/9 but close enough bloodlines to it and every one who knows me, knows that I am an Xhead. I went and did it... I bought back my Scorpion. So Carl if your still poking around I got it back! It has aged over 10yrs (garage rash) with the previous owner (who is an old ford collector/hot rodder) and it was only gone for 4. But a total disregard to Italian plastic and paint.lol So I will be popping in now and then to say Hi and to see what's up. It sure is nice to have her back and to be tinkering again, it's like an old favorite pair of shoes.
Cheers to all and merry Xmas!

Welcome back,Warren... and...

... you'll get a more enthusuastic welcome when you include some FOTOS!!!

Until then, Merry Christmas anyway!

I suppose. But I am not sure I can do it without using the Imageshack.
However some are on the way. Just glad to be back in the saddle.
Welcome back!

And yes we are always eager for pics. Sometimes it's so we can have something to aspire to in our own X project, other times it's so we can feel smug about how good ours is coming along. It's all relative! :nod: