Interesting data here on the site...

Dayton Tom

Tom Marcellino
Ever read down the right hand column with "number of views"??

Hard to be exact without logging in a second time... but for instance the "performance increase for 1300's" thread (I think) has over 4,600 times viewed. The windshieldless racers, snorkel and wheels topics are major hits too.

And definitely a huge number of views compared to replies in the thread. I take that as reading and learning... but surprising numbers in some areas...

EDIT- the K20 conversion is another stand-out.... seems power is a common interest...
I'm not seeing it

Do I need to activate something? I don't see any thread count for the common posts. I do see a count on the announcements though...
Just figured it out

You don't see the stats if you are logged in. If you log out you can see the view stats.