Lotsa X's on craigslist...

The '80 in Wichita looks well kept; I wonder if it's the original paint. Just not my color though.
X's on Craiglist


Thanks for posting these from Craigslist. Its always fun to cruise the listings and realize how many X's are out that we don't see on the Xwebforums.

Its also amazing to me to see how crappy many of these ads are!! Its hard to believe that anyone could sell a car without a picture or a reasonable description!


Thanks for posting these from Craigslist. Its always fun to cruise the listings and realize how many X's are out that we don't see on the Xwebforums.

Its also amazing to me to see how crappy many of these ads are!! Its hard to believe that anyone could sell a car without a picture or a reasonable description!


Agree - picture-less ads or ads with stolen pics always make me think "scam".
The 80 in Wichita has a speedo from a newer x, which means mileage is about as accurate as how fast the speedo in my x says when I'm driving it.:shock: