Magazine article

Ulysses...what's with the term...

..."the Lord Göttsch"?
Musta impressed the hell out of them!

Nine years since you moved...four years since last visit.
Meaning you're due to come next year.
Bring Markus and I'll supply RaceX and StreetX for your use.
Excellent Article and Great Video

It brought back fond memories of blasting around Stuttgart in your X.
Hi Paul,

thank you very much, but that was really the first time I drove the track. It was, however, a full day with 13 laps. I am a member of the (translated) "german sports drivers circle" which had rented the track for that day. So no motorcycles or other crazies. On the run in the vid, I started very late and everyone else was ahead of me. The track being this quiet was unusual even for this event.

I need much more track knowledge to carry the speed into and through the turns. With a "slow" car like the X, that is very important. I takes me a while to learn a track, especially one this long. :)

The car has a 1600 with currently close to 120 hp. Street legal race tires 185/60-13. The suspension has street "lowering springs" and is a little soft for the track.

I'll be driving a small track in 2 weeks (Schleizer Dreieck) and the Nürburgring again in June and Oct. Yeah! :)
Hi Mike,

I like "Lord Goettsch"! :)
"I shall henceforth be known as Lord Goettsch throughout the land"..

We might take you up on that tempting offer!
I would love to come for a visit. We'll see.
All hail!!

"I shall henceforth be known as Lord Goettsch throughout the land"..

"And when Lord Goettsch saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer."

Alexander... Ulix... same same. No worries. ;)