More f-ups....patience


True Classic
I spent most of the day getting the radiator back into the X. And with two hands, a floor jack and one foot, I'm pretty flexible, I got it back in 10 minutes ago.

You might remember the radiator shop reversed my upper and lower, side to side, brackets which put me 180 degrees out. Well I got that fixed and figured I was good for go......till 12 minutes ago. Now the upper front hose won't fit because the upper hose snout is pointing up towards the nose of the car instead of down towards the ground. This makes my upper hose far too short to reach the pipe to the rear.

I don't have a manual with pictures yet so would one of you nice people send me via my email mmudge* a picture so these folks at the shop can figure this out?

This is getting pretty damned frustrating. Plus tomorrow is Saturday know.........RATS!!!!


And a second tip

Get a helper when it comes time to put the radiator back in. That second pair of hands makes all the difference in the world... one person lifts it and holds it in place while the other person starts the nuts on the studs... And suddenly it's a ten-minute job. Children, spouses, and neighbors can be enlisted for this.