My sister visited home from Italy...


Tim Hoover
And brought me some cars - albiet smaller than I had liked...

A very nice sister. Is she married?

Nice gifts. Its funny to see a 131 four door. Really like the Abarth, ok all of them.
A very nice sister. Is she married?

Nice gifts. Its funny to see a 131 four door. Really like the Abarth, ok all of them.

She is married and lucked out tricking this guy to tie the knot. He is an engineer at Fox Shox and brings home a lot of fun toys.

I owned a blue 4 door 131 for many years. I was touched that she even remembered!

Nice little cars

and a nice sister too.

My sister lives out in Burbank and bought my 78 X for me back in 2003. Arranged a fried to help her bring it from Atascedero(sp?) to Burbank, then put it on the shipping truck to get it here to me in STL. Sisters can be awesome at times! :)
Back in 1993 my sisters flew out to LA and drove three of my cars from there to Vermont over five days.

The X1/9 and my 124 Sport Coupe were very well behaved over the 3300 miles with only one mechanical mishap and one close call when one of them was forced off road by a semi.

Sisters are awesome.