my son's pinewood derby car

I agree, hands on learning, building and non fit to state test learning are all things missing from school curriculums today. The schools that do best actually do add it to the curriculum, the top finishers at the GVSU event have a class for it with paid coaches as well as parents for after school activities.

I used to coach Wright Stuff which was a balsa and mylar rubber powered airplane. We would get close to 3 minutes on those which was really fun, the planes weighed *8grams and used a 1.6gram rubber band. We would put 85 turns onto the rubber band using a 15x winder. When those let go, look out... Had to fish more than one out of our school gyms rafters, talk about a delicate operation.

I always do build events as I like teaching them a skill and figuring out how to help kids make a precise object in a simple process using things they own like Legos. Most of the kids have never built much of anything which makes teaching them how to make things out of stuff that breaks with the least amount of pressure is painful at times :)

In any case, thanks for your kind compliments.
I did science olympiad a little in the past too, we did Wright stuff, took 3rd which was huge for our little school and mediocre efforts, but I've dabbled in the free flight stuff all my life so was "into it".