New Tape Stripes Installed (finally!)


True Classic
Kept putting this off, since I had to fill all the original rivet holes. Finally made the time Friday & Sat to fill, sand, prime, spot putty, sand, & paint :D Not perfect, but good enough. Saturday afternoon I put the stripes Mike3487 made for me back in May. Tricky to fit them as the thin striped area tends to deflect as it is adhered. If you look, you can see a "wave" in the decal :sad:



put in the early repeaters too



driver's side



Great looking X Hussein

Nice and personal job you've done. She looks great! :clap:
Thanks for all the positive comments... that the mechanicals & performance mods are mostly sorted, I felt it was appropriate to finnish up the cosmetics. The bodywork is far from perfect, but the overall look I'm very happy with! :grin:
NIce Job

Did you use the soapy water method, the tape hinge, or the one piece of tape half at a time method?

Can you tell I'm about to do stripes myself?

Hi Brian

What brand of decal tape are you using?

I usually use an isopropyl/water solution, but these I just did dry, for no good reason. With this particular tape it was problematic as the decal (black stripes) wanted to stay on the hard backing rather than the transparent cover film, so I had to completely remove the backing and eyeball the decal with the (sticky) cover film over the door panel. This was fine where the decal is thick, but where it thins out to the front of the panel, I lost the alignment, and there is a slight wave to the decal.

So, use either soap solution or isopropyl/water & squeegee it out!
a subtle Trick on these stripes....

Looks very good. BTW, a small "trick" you could do if you want, if you want to extend the stripes forward a bit more...REPRINT the two very small pieces of vinyl stripe that are between the front wheels and the side marker lights.

Take these two small pieces, REVERSE them, and turn them upside down...and place them FORWARD of the side marker lights. You will gain and additional 3-4 inches of stripe, and they will look great and match the rest of the stripes. My printer duplicated these by mistake and I used great effect as you'll see in my Flickr gallery here:

Flickr just changed their rules on posting photos to other sites, otherwise would post it myself...need to get a NEW photo site, any suggestions?

I did this on the original laser Stripes set you took yours from (and the removal of the lateral center stripe looks like a great modification BTW) and was very pleased with the result. While you do still have a couple of inches of front gap, its almost balanced by the rear bumper gap you have and it looks "right".
Thanks for the info & pic. On the image hosting, I use PhotoBucket.

Mike actually printed those exact pieces as duplicates, and explained in his pm what you have outlined here. I'd rather have straight lines up to the fender tip, without the taper that is present for the wheel arch, so he's going to see if he can make those for me.