Something to Consider re: Boston bombings

As you say, it is too early...

to really say,but this author's position has an almost indisputable plausibility about it. It's what many have been saying almost since the beginning of Bush's WOT. It boils down to giving us a taste of our own medicine to see how we like it. On the other hand this could all be some domestic nutcase job like Oklahoma city-we are more that capable of producing maniacs ourselves.:sigh:

Killing 8 year olds in the name of what?
In a week that has seen...

a drone attack on a Taliban headquarters that resulted in 23 kids under 12 being killed, do you have to ask that question, Pat? A domestic pressure cooker filled with chemical explosives, doesn't differentiate.

The Taliban (and most of their fellow travellers), are not interested in age demographics. To them we are all legitimate targets.

My own country fought and conquered half the World or more using advanced technology. We had a fine old time teaching everyone else how to live their lives. Where did that get us?
Apart from the obvious 'Come out and fight you cowards' attitude that prevails when highly industrialized fighting forces take on less mechanized foes (war is great for business), it's demonstrably impossible for them to so. Inevitably escalation of available technology results in cluster bombs, napalm, defoliants, nerve gas, biological agents and then finally, unmanned drones operated from England.
Thankfully, we are spared all-out nuclear war for the moment but someone will need to make real progress in North Korea, a state which, if it doesn't explode into nuclear Armageddon, will implode as its population starves.

Sooner or later, somebody is going to have to talk with someone else. This "game" of staring contests brinkmanship has to stop.

We're burying the Grand Dame of British politics today.
"The Lady was not for turning".
Result? 23 years of bombings, knee cappings, murders and torture. Only when the British government changed did we finally see some semblance of peace break out in Northern Ireland.

As the old chestnut has it, 'Jaw, jaw not war, war'.

The Sage said, "Those who ignore the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them". :sigh:
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Well, it was a rhetorical question..

or at least one that passes through the less rational side of the brain. On the other hand it is my inescapable default in these situation-that is to say wondering what in the world they (or we) think we can possibly gain by perpetuating a blood feud-which is what the WOT descended into within a year of its beginning. I would actually prefer that this turns out to be a domestic nutcase, at least the conspicuous reason for 'droning' some more folks on the other side of the world would be taken away.
While it's too early to speculate on it being a domestic nutcase, the date was April 15th. Perhaps someone tried to pull off a Boston Anti-Tax Party?
I had not seen any of them...

pretty incredible. Wonder if the guys shown would have been candidates for "..random additional security screening.." at the airport?
I would certainly hope not....

....we are not allowed to 'profile' (sarcasm). I sure wouldn't want to be one of these guys in these pics....if I were awaiting my wife or friend to finish the race! Imagine seeing your pic associated with this all over the web. Ouch.
Kinda makes you wonder...

what the legal-as in lawsuit-implications if these guys are just that, spectators waiting for their girlfriends or something, and they are attacked or even arrested. For the cops, do these pictures constitute anything like probable cause? :hmm::hmm:
Interesting that we are deporting...

....the 20 year old Saudi National student that was the initial "person of interest" today...revoking his visa - due to National Security issues...but Napolitano won't give any additional details.....this happening only a day after a high level Saudi man had an unscheduled visit to the WH with BHO, himself.
Absolutely BB

WW1 saw the part of the Royal Family born Battenburg renamed Mountbatten. WW2 saw jewish Germans incarcerated even though they risked their lives to escape naziism. In the US Japanese-Americans were segregated from mainstream citizens. (Bad Day at Black Rock). It's an old story. Xenophobia.
We all want an end of useless death and destruction but it takes a nation with very broad shoulders and perseverance to see it through.
In the end it comes to to personal convictions and belief in the righteousness of lifestyle as chosen by us all.
OK, I thought I was pretty...

up to date on the list of 'people around the world who hate us', but the Chechen-Russian thing is completey off my radar. Anyone understand the logic of this one? Personally if I were going to take it out on someone for the Chechen horror it would be Putin-but what do I know?:hmm:
While I'm not an expert on world affairs, I think it doesn't take much to tip a person who is looking for a rationale for violence into action. It probably has little to do with politics and a lot to do with crossed mental wires.
Looks like Pat got his........

Localized nutcases. I'll give you 10/1 that within a few weeks there'll be others encouraged by the fact that two twonks with severe behavioral and psychopathic disorders, have just achieved their aim of world-wide notoriety.
Mum and Dad believe them to be little lambkins, incapable of such heinous crimes. Therein lies the problem.
Their distraught uncle said it best when he said that their actions attached great shame to the Chechnyan people and those of that troubled state who wished only to be part of the American Dream.

The London Marathon runs today, let's hope we can get through it without any adverse actions from society's losers.

Oh, and Pat, it's come to something when we consider that there's relief felt when these sort of murderous acts aren't caused by international terrorist groups, eh? Modern life. :sigh:
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Yeah, our comforts...

Localized nutcases. I'll give you 10/1 that within a few weeks there'll be others encouraged by the fact that two twonks with severe behavioral and psychopathic disorders, have just achieved their aim of world-wide notoriety.
Mum and Dad believe them to be little lambkins, incapable of such heinous crimes. Therein lies the problem.
Their distraught uncle said it best when he said that their actions attached great shame to the Chechnyan people and those of that troubled state who wished only to be part of the American Dream.

The London Marathon runs today, let's hope we can get through it without any adverse actions from society's losers.

Oh, and Pat, it's come to something when we consider that there's relief felt when these sort of murderous acts aren't caused by international terrorist groups, eh? Modern life. :sigh:

are cold and peculiar these days. :hmm2: I
Relief for some, at least... others - the MSM, in particular - take it as an opportunity to bash the "right-wing", i.e., conservatives... resulting in their usual EPIC FAIL. Even sacrosanct NPR gets in on it... [ame=""]NPR: Hitler's birthday "big" for the right. - YouTube[/ame]

Anyways... perhaps the FBI will explain why the older brother was not on a watch list after being told by the KGB he was a radical jihadist, why his six month “vacation” didn’t trigger a follow-up and perhaps ICE will explain why he was not deported after his felony assault conviction. Key learning may be that our government cares more about PC “diversity” than keeping Americans safe from the jihadists.

In any event, perhaps it's a good thing that this wasn't just another case of "workplace violence" like Ft. Hood.
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