Spark plug gap and other ignition questions.

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<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2><TABLE width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-TOP: 4px" vAlign=top colSpan=2>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]Spark plug gap and other ignition questions.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

[/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]February 17 2001 at 3:06 PM[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial][/FONT][/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=top align=right>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]<SCRIPT language=Javascript> <!-- var n54_em; n54_em = ""; n54_em = n54_em + "m";n54_em = n54_em + "i";n54_em = n54_em + "k";n54_em = n54_em + "e";n54_em = n54_em + ".";n54_em = n54_em + "e";n54_em = n54_em + "n";n54_em = n54_em + "g";n54_em = n54_em + "e";n54_em = n54_em + "l";n54_em = n54_em + "@";n54_em = n54_em + "m";n54_em = n54_em + "c";n54_em = n54_em + "m";n54_em = n54_em + "a";n54_em = n54_em + "i";n54_em = n54_em + "l";n54_em = n54_em + ".";n54_em = n54_em + "v";n54_em = n54_em + "a";n54_em = n54_em + "n";n54_em = n54_em + "d";n54_em = n54_em + "e";n54_em = n54_em + "r";n54_em = n54_em + "b";n54_em = n54_em + "i";n54_em = n54_em + "l";n54_em = n54_em + "t";n54_em = n54_em + ".";n54_em = n54_em + "e";n54_em = n54_em + "d";n54_em = n54_em + "u"; document.write("mike engel"); // --> </SCRIPT>mike engel <NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT> [/FONT]</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom colSpan=3><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]<!-- google_ad_section_start -->Hey all,

Have a couple of questions about ignition/distributor/plugs.

1. Could someone please give me a primer on replacement of my distributor cap, rotor and plug wires? I haven't yet taken my distributor cap off because I didn't want to screw anything up until I got some guidance. I purchased the cap/rotor/premium (blue) plug wires from IAP and would like to install them this weekend. Like all other car repairs, this is the first time I have done this.

2. Can someone tell me the appropriate gap for my new Bosch Platinum plugs. My Clymer manual says one thing and my shop manual says something else. Is 0.7mm correct?

3. I bought a new air filter from IAP also. I was surprised to see that it was surrounded by a "white blanket" instead of the metal shield that I am used to. I assume that it is a pre-filter that needs to stay on to protect the underlying paper filter, but I wanted to check with a group of experts.

All help appreciated. Thanks in advance from Nashville.

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[/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial] [/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=top align=right>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]
[/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]Author[/FONT]</TD><TD>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]Reply[/FONT]</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top noWrap width="17.9%">[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]Julian[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial][/FONT]</TD><TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 15px" vAlign=top><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]<!-- google_ad_section_start -->bits of information in no particular order<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

[/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial][/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=top align=right>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]February 17 2001, 3:25 PM [/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 15px">
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]<!-- google_ad_section_start -->First of all the cap is the REALLY easy bit, but if you're going to do the leads as well it is even easier!

The trick is to only do one piece at a time. Unplug lead #1 from plug and follow it back to the cap. Plug in your new #1 lead to new cap in the same position as the old one....and connect it to your plug. Then do the same for the other three. You simply can't get it wrong and the cap will only go on one way around....just remember, only remove one lead at a time!

The rotor is REALLY easy, one good tug and it comes off and the new one just presses on in it's place (stop laughing at the back!)

With the plugs you need to be REALLY careful not to crossthread them so always insert and tighten the plugs by hand before using a wrench

0.7mm is the factory setting and, unless I've been doing it wrong for the last ten years, just right for the application. Don't know about for platinum plugs though (it shouldn't make any difference)

Air filter - there are all sorts of different constructions. As long as it fits and filters, don't worry about it.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

[/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial] [/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]
[/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top noWrap width="17.9%">[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]Warren[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial][/FONT]</TD><TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 15px" vAlign=top><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]<!-- google_ad_section_start -->Remove your old cap with the wires attached.....<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

[/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial][/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=top align=right>[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]February 17 2001, 11:33 PM [/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 15px">
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial]<!-- google_ad_section_start -->Change the rotor and replace the cap( with the new one.). Then one by one
change the wires but instead connect the wires to the new cap into the same spot that it came from off of the old cap. Once this is done, now that the wires have been changed, start changing the plugs one by one.
Use the gap in the Haynes manual. A lot of us do this a little different but this method you shouldn't mess any thing up and it will take a little extra time to do it this way.But who cares. My self, I just pull everything off and make a note where #1 is, and replace the parts needed. This should get you out of the woods. I would also get some one with a timing gun to check the timing for you.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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