Steering wheel removal question


True Classic

I'm changing the turn signal switch so need to remove steering wheel.

I've read how to do this without getting my nose broken - Thanks Forum.

Question is the center nut one of those funny locking nuts where you hit the center of the nut to deform its shape to prevent it coming loose. It looks like this to me

Is this the case?

Also I take it it's counter clockwise to loosen it and do you need a new nut on replacing the wheel.

Hope I've explained this ok.


Wheel removal

The nut has normal threads so removal is counterclockwise. Don't worry about the dimpling on the nut, I have removed more Fiat steering wheels than I want to think about. All I did was use the appropriate socket and undid the nut. I reuse the old not with no problem.

I could not get mine off the one time I tried so far. Wheel puller was just bending the metal edge of the wheel itself. I didn't "have to" get it off so I left it alone. I remember a trick from my MG where you have one guy sitting in the car pulling on the wheel while another smacks the shaft with a BFH (and a drift of some sort I'd imagine), if you have two people and you haven't been drinking much...yet. Don't know why mine was so stubborn.
I just removed one last week. I removed nut and tapped the top of the shaft with a brass hammer while I pulled up on the wheel. 10 seconds and wheel was removed.
Steering wheel

On one of my X's the wheel just will not come off... Pullers bend it without moving it. I've even pulled the steering column so that I could work on it outside the car... no joy.
All the others, tapping/pulling/wiggling eventually gets them off.
If you use the two person method, leave the nut on but backed off a ways, that way when it does come loose the nut stops the wheel before it hits the buddy's hand with the hammer in it causing the hammer to head for your face. :)
Thanks for all the advice

It came off real easy, just tapped it with the palm of my hand - very surprised thought i was going to have some real fun