stuck head, final chaptor..........


well, i tried everything, nothing suggested worked. my last option was to go ballistic on the motor. my big framing hammer only bounced off that head and chipped off small pieces. so this weekend, i took a 10 lb 3 foot plus sledge, and i introduced it to the motor saturday mornin. it just broke off a few more pieces, and the motor kept rollin over. its almost as if that thing was just laughing at me.
while i was wailing on that thing my girlfriend called and said she would be here and wanted some breakfast. i figured i would give it one last smack and go make my honey some grub.
damn, if i didnt swing low enough. swung right over the top of that motor. since i didnt hit it, i wasnt actully prepared for the force of that hammer pulling loose from my hands. it was like fricken slow mo. it spun slowly across the driveway, right towards the big window i just replaced 3 monthe ago. the pol
e from the awning slowed it enough that it didnt actually go through the window and cause more damage. it did hit the glass though, and i watched the glass and the sledge fall back into my driveway.
i havent laughed that hard in a long time. i just stood there looking at my new mess.couldnt stop lauughing for the longest time. when my girlfrien showed up i went out front still laughing. they said i looked like an insane madman cause i would stop laughing. when i finally stoped long enough to tell them i just pulled a reyy, they started laughing too.
dont be sorry, it was an interesting life experience. itll give me a laugh for years to come. i removed all but two of the studs, they broke off flush with the head. trust me when i say that tool would have been no match for this head.
after breakfast that day, Ryan, my girlfriends 21 yr old son finally removed the head from the block. i was pretty amazed at what i saw when i went outside.



Hmm, I think the head's warped...

Ha! Sort of a lost cause ehh? Looks like he got really PO'd with it. :mad2:
What a great planter!

Set that block outside in the sun, fill the cylinders with potting soil, start some parsley and cilantro and basil....
WOW... time for an upgrade:woot:

now in this case.. the idiom "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" comes to mind... however it probably doesn't apply in this case, that head fused like that was probably causing problems