The following preview is rated-Whoa Baby!

I'm not originally from Texas... been here since 1999. And I still shake my head over stuff like this! Many of these people down here think wearing a huge cowboy hat, with cowboy boots an and a huge dinner plate sized beltbuckle to their office job makes perfect sense. Sure, they've never ridden a horse, but they've been to the rodeo! (the bar-b-que is awesome!) It really is a different world.

And regarding Perry's comments... I can guarantee you the response from my co-workers will run on almost perfectly along state birthplace lines, with the local native Texans assuming a "Hell yeah he's a traitor! And Perry kicks ass for not saying he's sorry!" And almost everyone from others parts of the country will be stunned and thinking "Traitor? Really?"
To be fair, he did say "almost treasonous" not "treasonous". There is no question "The Ben Bernank" is an epic disaster for this countries long term fiscal health so I can see why someone would use such strong language. However, I don't believe Perry cares about the Fed. I think he is just pandering to the TEA Party base and nothing else. And the Bushies bad-mouthing him just might help his chances against Obama.
Some may question...

the 'epic disaster' scenario, even if unquestionable.

Nevertheless the T word should really be taken off the polemical plate-it's just much too inflammatory and shows the users of it to be careless and inaccurate. For me his intemperate language is fine-I don't want another marginally intelligent belt buckle cowboy in the WH. I don't want any of the other potential tenants either, but that is why I have learned to live with disappointment:whistle:

Just in a few days his shine seems to be going off. He ain't all that bright (not really an impediment maybe) , he has a checkered history policywise from the conservative point of view similar to Romney but different issues. He was a DEMONCRAT and Al Gore's Texas chairman in 1988. He doesn't hate Hispanics enought to satisfy some of the Tea Baggers. He is sitting on a $27B smoke and mirrors state budget problem; his job creation miracle, like most miracles, isn't exactly what it seems to be (if you are President you can't lure business from one state to another and call it job creation!). He sounds stupid, to me anyway.
He sounds stupid to you...

And that's the big difference... one of my co-workers recently mentioned Perry and said "He sounds presidential compared to the other idiots that are currently running! He says the right things, and (chuckling...) he does have good hair! What more do we need?"

Of course that co-worker is a proud Native Texan.
As Obama destroys businesses small, medium and large… as he destroys jobs or does his best to create the conditions conducive for them to move overseas, we can only look forward to the media going into full attack mode. They fool only themselves if they think the majority of Americans aren’t fully aware of their game.

So Perry says something you don't agree with... Obama insults nearly half of the country every day.

Anything they can do to try to divert attention away from the sorry record of the Obama "pity party" administration.

"Obama’s ascension to the presidency redeemed the worldview of the liberal elite. His failure in office is shattering it.

That explains the primal reactions from the faculty lounges and the liberal editorial boards."

- James Taranto
"If it’s the second full day of TX Gov. Rick Perry’s presidential nomination campaign, it must be time for the establishment media to deal the race card. It’s posted a few places now, so I’ll send you to Allahpundit for the video of MSNBC’s Ed Schultz deceptively editing video of Gov. Perry saying a “big black cloud” hangs over the country. Perry is referring to the debt, but MSNBC edited the video — and ABC News’ Michael Falcone and Arlette Saenz baldly quote Perry out of context — to suggest Perry was referring to Pres. Obama.

Having just written about the establishment media’s new obsession with discrediting Perry, I was loath to immediately return to the subject. However, there are good reasons to do so. First, this example is even worse, as Perry’s comment was completely non-controversial. Second, to emphasize Allahpundit’s point that we have another 14 months of the left and the stablishment media hearing racist dog-whistles ahead of us. Third, following from the second point and my prior post, it is to be expected precisely because the President Obama, the Democrats, the left and the establishment media have virtually nothing to run on. Killing Osama bin Laden is about the only broadly popular issue Obama can raise, which is why Hollywood is rushing a movie out two weeks before the election. If the economy remains largely stalled — as most think it will — they have nothing else. And it won’t be enough to get Obama to 270 electoral votes. Thus, the ritualized demonization of any possible opponent."

Update: MSNBC’s Chris “Tingles” Matthews says Perry “could be Bull Connor with a smile.”

- Karl (Patterico's Pontifications)
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No offence meant...

but could we hear your views rather than that of professional pundits ( the term used advisedly as they are probably not expert in much except their own opinions)? I have to believe that your world view varies in some way from the mere dross offered by these intellectual vigilantes.

All these quotes from people who are paid to say these things is kind of like sitting in somone's livingroom during a visit with the TV on and being served take out food.
Besides it's just assertion and insistence without anything resembling a thoroughly considered argument. IMHO of course:)
Hey, he is good lookin' guy....

shakes a good hand, pats a good back, has cute nicknames for everyone, kisses a darn good baby and shares a hearty laugh with the hoi polloi! Far be it for me to suggest that mere lack of intellectual HP is any impediment to the Presidency-didn't get in the way of FDR ( famously described as "..a second rate intellect with a first rate temperament). Of course there is the tinsiest little problem that other than his complete conviction that his kindergarten level economics is gonna work he doesn't have any better idea about extricating us from our current mess than anyone else, for the very good reason that we are in a squaring-the-circle dillema.
I made my point in post #7. No offense taken, but you could simply choose to not read the subsequent post. Freedom of choice can be a wonderful thing, but your proprietary interest in your thread is commendable.
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