The knucklehead factor....

I read this earlier in the week and found pretty accurate. The issue I have with it is the name calling. People disagree with Ron Paul not because they are "knuckleheads" but because the subscribe to a consensus opinion that is hard to break free from. This is especially true of foreign policy because it is, for lack of a better term, foreign to most Americans. This means they rely on the opinions of the powerful people who seem to share their world view rather than rely on their own opinions based on sound research. It takes too much time to do the research required to form your own opinion based on the facts you can gather rather than just go along with what the guy that's against the guy you don't like is saying. Since Ron Paul is against the establishment and long held policies of the US people are going to naturally be skeptical if not hostile towards him. Most of the people I know, myself included, came to agree with him through research that most people don't have the time for or the interest in. It doesn't mean they are knuckleheads it just means they have a life to live that doesn't allow time for seemingly frivolous political study. Or, possibly, they have done the research and just disagree. Of course that would make them knuckleheads:p