what dos FIAT stand for ?


The next time someone asks you what dos Fiat stand for tell them First In Auto technology. I hope I'm not repeating an acronym that some one else already posted.
Correct one,,

is the one by Phoenix , I labeled it to my shop manual a few years ago. The perfect answer to someone who quotes the " Fix it again Tony" one,,, shows you really know the product. :italia:
is the one by Phoenix , I labeled it to my shop manual a few years ago. The perfect answer to someone who quotes the " Fix it again Tony" one,,, shows you really know the product. :italia:

Or "Fix It Again Tomorrow" :nana: for those diy X1/9 owners...
This may be a bit optimistic.......

Find It Autobahning Tirelessly (i.e. RPM not in red zone, has tires).