Wheel Catalog help


Baja Bob
I have searched for about 40 minutes and no luck. Can someone point me to the website with the italian wheel pictures and id's???
Thanks in Advance.
Thanks Jim

You always have the inside scoop on how to find everything. If I may ask, did you just remember or did you search this? If you searched, what were your keywords?
Photgraphic memory

OK... maybe I just have a bookmark for the Histowheels website. I like to look at the wheels and dream. ;)
I was hoping

I was hoping that you would impart some search engine knowledge so that I could get to stuff on my own rather than the usual method, which is post here and wait for your answer!
HA, as Tony would say.

The real "trick"

is that I have a very good memory for things I have seen or read. Especially things that interest me. I can recall fairly exact phrasing from old posts I read, that helps significantly in sorting through the archives.

I am also pretty tenacious when it comes to searching. If you saw how much time I spend searching out some of this info, you would say "Dude... give it up." Sometimes I do come up empty, but I see it as a challenge. I guess I need a more exciting hobby. :)

The saddest thing for me is that I am finding more and more threads in the Xweb 1.0 archives where the pictures have faded from the interwebs. :hrmph:
Are you slowing?

After a little research found several of your posts and it appears that you are averaging 16.5 minutes. For instance, back in 2008 I found this comment by ///Mike "Perhaps JimD will see this, in which case the correct link will be posted within seconds" and your response was 15 minutes later.
I really do appreciate the help. Thanks again.

You only get to "time" my successes.

The failures never appear. :)
Do you have any failures?

I looked and can't find any threads with a question that you did not answer....
Maybe you can find me some?
I fail frequently when I don't know if there is an answer

I think most people that ask me for help know the answer is out there in the archives somewhere and just want my help finding it. So those are easy, it's just a matter of persistence.

Where I usually fail is when I go off on a search based on a topic I have never seen before. I work off the assumption that at some point between the 1999 inception of Xweb and today, someone has talked about every possible X1/9 topic. Turns out that is not necessarily the case. So those are examples of failures where I come up empty. Since no one asked me for an answer, I don't post about it. ;)

I will say my "time to failure" has gone down significantly over the years. I quickly have a pretty good idea if I am going to come up empty just by perusing the first page or two of results.
Trick Question

OK, I admit it, i was trying to get you to post a inquiry that you missed, the so-called failure, as i could not find one. I still figure that you are the Guru of X19 info. Still working on the nickname though. I understand the librarian concern. Not my favorite either.