Another Day At Papa Tony's

HAHAHA... Yeah... your name was brought up...

several times in vain!


As I was explaining the differences in the tank to the boys, we kept cussing you out for sending the WRONG tank! (OK, I admit I started it...)

But both of them chimed in though stating that YOU really shoulda known better and sent the CORRECT tank for, a carbed X1/9.


What I will do later though is run the fuel lines again to the bottom of the tank, the return also, and then cork the top. I'll also repair the old tank and swap it back in again when I'm feeling better, and save the new one you sent to either "pay it forward" to someone else in need or do something else with it if you have any other thoughts.

A gracious thank you once again... I am indebted!

As for the rotator cuff thing... I'll give you a call, I have an appointment on the 24th with a specialist and would like to know what worked for you. I'm hoping it was NOT surgery!

It wasn't surgery...

Unfortunately. Those I've seen go through surgery were left with a 50/50 prospect of better or worse.

I did it the hard way. Therapy on my own terms, and about 6 months of slowly getting better.
But I still have the arthritic spurs around the rotator. That means slow and easy.
I took the old bird to a repair/radiator shop this afternoon.

The owner called me about 5:30 p.m. to tell me that the coupling/nipple on the top of the radiator that the hose connects to had a leaking weld. I guess after 34 years, these can get brittle. He also said the thermostat gasket was leaking. He did say that the core was ok, so that was good news.

The upper radiator coupling/nipple was far away from where we were working, so maybe it was just waiting for a little wiggle on the hose to start leaking. The main thing is that the copper re-pipe was successful as all of our soldered joints were solid with no leaking.

Hopefully, tomorrow or Wed. I'll have Big Bird back and can give him a good test drive. Maybe next weekend I can crawl underneath to finish the undercoating.

After all the work on Saturday, I still am glad that the 3 of us were able to hook up and spend a good, albeit long day. That's what friends are for.

Good job Mike

On all counts.
Thank you for taking on the gas tank project.
Surely you did the hardest part. My thanks to Tommy as well.
I'm glad you were able to pull this off. Well done!
Now, it's time for Tony Natoli to give you that deep massage coupon you've been waiting for. :whistle:
Oh yeah, and the $20, don't forget the $20....

In addition to it being the WRONG tank, YOU forgot to mention that we lost valuable time having to vacuum the SAND out of it. Man, you sure are picky!!!!

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I thought the greatest sport on earth was one or both of the following:
  1. The pure pleasure of driving an X.
  2. Exchanging verbal barbs among Tony, Tommy, and me (and written barbs directed at Bob:excited:).
You are correct about hockey being a great sport. It definitely isn't for wimps.

good point!!!

My mechanic friend said that fiat pushing should be a sport too ;)
didnt Mac (Ian) try to start the sport of frunk surfing? I seem to remember a picture....

This one?

This is that pic:

I'm on the far left, not sure who is next to me. Holly in the passenger seat, Mac driving, and in the frunk left to right are Ulix and Carl Auer. And of note, this is THE CAR, MacX, that Bob Brown is restoring to unobtanium levels.
Greg, if you have that photo in higher resolution,

I would absolutely love it.

BTW, I received new SS coolant tubes for Mac-X last week, and the drain bungs were welded in the wrong place. :mallet:
If I installed the tubes, the drains would end up inside the protective tunnel. (they were displaced 4.5 inches toward the rear)
Workmanship on those tubes was/is top notch. The folks that made them were not too happy with me when I called to tell them they were made wrong.
Today I returned them to the manufacturer for replacement.

Restoring Mac-X has turned out to be difficult and expensive beyond my wildest dreams. (currently at 21K -believe it!)
BUT, Mac will be proud of the finished vehicle when it get's presented.
I should have the chassis back by June, if I'm lucky.
Too bad...

I wonder how that mistake was made. Probably just an assumption that exact location was not crucial.

I snagged the pic from the thread about Mac's death. Although it says that Steve Ambrose took it, I don't know who has it and/or where it is. Maybe try to contact Steve Ambrose?

totally love the pic. all I could think of after I saw it was I wonder what the possibility of putting small seats in there. probably not legal or safe, but would be funny.

ok, back to the normal thread ;)
That was Tommy...

I said let it ride on the bottom... Tommy was the one that wanted to VACUUM it out... I just wanted to HOSE it out.

He won that round.