Does President Obama Deserve Re-Election?

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At this point Obama has lost almost everyone. The Right thinks he's a communist, the left thinks he's a sell-out and the middle thinks he's an elitist snob. About the only people that are happy with him anymore at all are the "neo-cons" because on foreign policy he is essentially the third term of GWB. Notice Cheney quit bad-mouthing Obama quite a while ago.

Every time I get the feeling Obama is going to do something that will score him some points and maybe start to turn his presidency around he keeps doing what he's always done. There are enough politically smart people around him that I gotta think things are going to start changing but I'm really having doubts about that. It may be that the people around him all spent too much time in Chicago and other places that are way out of the mainstream of America and they simple don't understand America and what Americans want in a president. Or maybe they don't care. Maybe they think they are doing the right thing and they don't care much about the polls. However, I really doubt that. I remember a little over a year ago I became astonished at how unbelievably politically tone deaf Obama seems. I commented a number of times how he was on his way to a 35% approval rating. He still seems to be on his way. Obama certainly doesn't deserve re-election and I'm not sure he even knows how to get re-elected but he may anyway because someone better won't likely be in a position to stop him.
Obama's losing supporters faster than a clown with Tourette Syndrome loses kids at a birthday party.

Messiah to Pariah in less than one term.
His apparent tone deafness...

and the Chicago (also NY) connection comments are points very well taken. He does seem to have a hole in his perception range somewhere. Do you remeber during his campaign he got in hot water with the liberal wing of the party for saying he had learned a lot from Reagan? I took that at the time to mean he understood how Reagan had 'led from the front' as the term is now. If that was true the lesson didn't stick long. The first bad sign was naming Rahm Emmanuel as Chief of Staff. Whatever Rahm's virtues as a Chicago pol are he acted like the consummate wheeler dealer in the White House. He seemed obsessed with the idea that getting legislation passed at all costs constituted success. Well, it certainly represents a kind of sucess but it soon became apparent that this was Obamas MO all the time-talk big in irresistable sonorous orations about some profound problem and then hand the ball off to someone else to get legislation, any legislation, passed just so the administration could claim success. He has done it as a matter of habit right up to and through the debt ceiling problem. This has made him vulnerable to -and probably guilty of- the charges that he is just too aloof;doesn't want to really get his hands dirty; doesn't want to bark his knuckles on his opponents chin; doesn't understand that people want a leader not a facilitator. For all his manifold problems and his lack of moral compass GWB knew how to lead, even if it was over a cliff. Obama just doesn't seem to want to fight for the sake of fighting, which is part of the deal when you are President-that doesn't mean picking a fight, but when it comes a President needs to be of the type who relishes it for the fight itself, more likely to win that way. Certainly he would have kept a lot more of his base if he had been more beligerent towards the GOP from the get-go. His harping on a bi-partisan approach that was never goona happen was his huge-perhaps irrepairable mistake. It put the weapon of passive aggression in the hands of his opponents and they beat him to pulp with it.
Well, as Matthew says...

he may make it yet on the weakness of his opponents(I haven't seen anything to suggest that the GOP is dancing in the aisles about any of these lame-brains). Might want to hold the gloating down until something happens. A year is an eternity in politics-heck a week is an eternity in politics.
Haiku's for Sunday morning

arrogant disdain
messiah to pariah
mighty have fallen

Empty Suit of Wind
expectations of Lefties
unfulfilled so far
I believe it should be...

"..spell them correctly.." I affirm your correction of the obvious one but would include 'insure',admitting that I am old school on this and have not followed the editorial practices of some of the big national publications as they returned to 'insure'- as in the Constitution's Preamble- but stand by 'ensure' as providing an economical distinction between 'making damn certain something happens' and 'paying off someone if it doesn't' :whistle:
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I certainly agree with "ensure" as the appropriate verb. Affirmative Action is a program though, and thus is a singular noun. Hence my choice of "it" since that was the subject in question.

I will say this about Obama: His speaking abilities don't make me cringe unlike several of his predecessors.
Ah, I see your point...

:clap: AA is a thing singular.

Let's not forget Obama's possible successors either-nobody on the scene today is anything but cringe making either by virtue of their inarticulateness or their sheer banality, or in the case, here and there, both at once " Ya betcha":whistle:
I wonder what 'Barry's'....

word count to gaffe ratio is? Better or worse than the others?
I would put some dough on that wager if there was a reliable way to count.
But, that's not the issue is it? The issue is that he puts himself above the others a priori with his 'arrogance' and therefore must answer a higher standard-essentially perfection. Where someone like Palin, 'bein' just folks', doesn't really have to answer to any standard-after all we expect her to be stupid and she doesn't disappoint us; or Bachmann-hey I don't expect much from a graduate of Dogpatch U. and the 'Lost-Our-Accreditation-Oral Roberts (Coburn)-Law-School'
But now when a guy goes to Columbia then magnum cum laude from Harvard Law and then President of the Law Review and is married to a Harvard Law alum (as opposed to Mr. Bachmann who got his diploma by mailing in cereal box tops), well he can't drop an haitch or stumble on anything without the knives coming out.
Much better we stick with the boneheads and keep our expectations well in check rather than get to frisky in the Presidential brainpower stakes.
here are just a few... kind of gives you a feel for why the guy needs the TOTUS, although some may argue that's more of a hindrance than a help.

[ame=""]Obama Gaffes - Greatest Hits - YouTube[/ame]

and a few more...

My fellow Americans in [ame=""]all 57 states[/ame], the [ame=""]time has changed for come[/ame]. With our country founded [ame=""]more than 20 centuries ago[/ame], we have much to celebrate – from [ame=""]the FBI’s 100 days[/ame] to the reforms that bring [ame=""]greater inefficiencies to our health care system[/ame]. We know that [ame=""]countries like Europe[/ame] are willing to stand with us in our fight to [ame=""]halt the rise of privacy[/ame], and [ame=""]Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s[/ame]. And let’s face it, everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma and they end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early, and they got some treatment, and ah, a [ame=""]breathalyzer, or an inhalator[/ame]. I mean, not a breathalyzer, ah, [ame=""]I don’t know what the term is in Austrian[/ame] for that…

and more episodes like this: Video: Smartest President in History Barack Obama Confuses Iraq and Afghanistan - Claims Combat Operation Over In Afghanistan.

and a few more:
I made a serious error in...

strategy there. Never, ever give you a chance to hit the cut and paste keys. Been saving those up for a special occasion? or is there a special kind of web thing that keeps score? Something like

Let me ask a pointless question- If you had a one-on-one with the POTUS would you have the cheek to attack him to his face as you do here? I mean, it doesn't really matter , but I'm wondering if this essentially personal animosity, the ridicule, the disrespectful nickname,the labeling, the ferreting out of any little embarassing thing-could you stand in front of someone like him and conduct yourself that way? I know for my part I would be happy to call Palin an idiot to her face given that she really isn't anyone of consequence and would be chuffed to sit down with Obama and raise my objections about his performance in much the same language I use here-I'm saying these to defuse your most likely response to this question.
That you are surprised

he's made some fairly inane gaffes (for - as you pointed out- a pedigreed Ivy-leaguer) doesn't surprise me. The majority of the media has a vested interest in propping the man up and if a misstatement (and that's all these are) isn't uttered by a Republican, it holds little interest for the media. The media refused to do it's job leading up to the November 2008 election, but those of us who had an interest in learning of his background, his mentors, his actions, his lack of experience... well, suffice it to say we are not surprised that he governs using tactics straight out of Alinsky 101.

I respect the office, but he - Barack Obama - gets the same level of respect he gives to those who don't worship him or hang on his every word... even in your imaginary meeting scenario.

He is all "Chicago-Way" politics, enriching his friends and supporters as he stumbles along and he has failed at the job he was elected to do, which was to provide leadership... be the leader of all the American people... just my opinion.

Who knows... he may still maneuver his way out of the box he's built for himself, but he has a little over one year to do it.

Be thankful I didn't take you up on your bet... you would've lost.
No betting allowed. GWB clinched the contest with countless uses of "nucular".
Yeah, GWB clearly holds the all time gaffe record. Obama's gaffes tend to be of a different nature. While GWB mispronounced words with great regularity Obama tends to make speech reading mistakes that leave the impression the teleprompter is talking rather then him.

The whole 57 states thing is about as dumb as the Dan Quayle "potatoe" episode. The idea that Obama doesn't know how many states there are is ridiculous. If you are going to ridicule Obama for something he said that's gotta be at the bottom of the list of things to use.
No need to qualify your...

statements as opinion-when have they been anything else? Even the cut-n-paste bits are, for the great majority of instances anway.

Did I say I was surprised? No, I didn't and I wasn't. I can't recall the last time I was surprised-no, I do recall now, it was when I saw the stats on household wealth in America-those surprised me, they did!

I'm not very thankful as it turns because I wouldn't have lost - I said 'if there was a reliable way to count' and I doubt there is, especially given the sheer volume of words spoken and the absence of a neutral referee. And just asserting for the umpteenth time that it is all media bias is, well, just asserting for the umpteenth time.
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