Joint Xweb/FEN gathering in July


Xweb/FEN Picnic and Tour
When: Sunday, Jul 10, 2011, 1pm (but read more for tour)

Where: Gregory Smith's home at 6809 Zangle Rd NE, Olympia, WA (map)

Description: The annual FEN picnic is at a South location this year. The main dish will be make-it-yoursel​f pizza baked in an outdoor, wood fired pizza oven! The club will supply pizza makings, tableware, and soft drinks; as is usual its BYOB. The event begins at 1 p.m.

Preceding the picnic is a tour with turn-by-turn driving instructions. The starting point is Griot's Garage at 3333 South 38th Street, Tacoma (start time yet TBD will be based on tour length which is yet to be finalized).

Please bring a side dish sized to share with 12-16 persons.

Please RSVP to Gregory to help us have enough stuff to go around....

Contact Gregory Smith at gfs*gregoryfsmi​ or 360-705-3193 for picnic location info or Bert at spiders*wavecab​ or 360-731-8758 for tour info.
I was just thinking two days ago that I was hoping someone would plan a get together. Count me and my lovely spouse in. It helps too that Griots is about 3 miles from me. Looking forward to it.

That's the weekend before Oregon '11. Probably not going to want to do a long drive north the weekend before a long drive south.

Wish it was in June, I'd be there for sure. :sigh:
Been hankerin' for a Gathering...

...and Gregory's country place is ideal setting.
Ideal geographically.
Beaucolic setting.
Great host.
Gr8 time will be had...

...but only if you're there!
Only a few Xwebers listed as coming so far.
Still time to declare intentions.
Mac/Ian's Mom (Leslie) will be there also.
Gregory's place is lovely and worth any excuse to visit.
Fiat Enthusiasts NW members add to the mix.
Be there.
Wood's all split.

My back is sore. Tell me again why this is a good idea?

Hope to see you there! It will be a good mix of X and FEN folks. Lots of chatter about Fiats etc. Probably a new 500 on display.

Remember to bring your adult beverage of choice, the clubs provide sodas. Also bring a side dish or something to share, the clubs provide pizza stuff. And if you can, please bring a non-perishable donation for the local food bank.
Count me in...

I don't think I'll be able to do the tour as I'll be at Music 6000's car show with the Cadillac. I'll be at your house later in the day though hopefully with the X as I plan to go home and swap cars. Maybe between 2-2:30. Double booked myself with two different cars that day. :doh:

Supposed to be a nice day on the 10th. :sun:
Have to drop out

Not able to swing everything for getting down this weekend. :doh:
Check out Vancouver BC Italian Cultural Center for July 24 show.
Maybe later in year. :)
Olympia wins, I'm going!

Decided to bow out of OR '11 and head up to Olympia instead. See you all there!
sounds like fun to me

I just check in with Gregg and he says I can bring my in progress x so the wife and I will be there. any excuse to take a ride topless.
see everybody there.
Charlie :thumbsup:
A pretty good turnout! (D/L warning)

About 25 people came, as far as I could tell. I spent a good deal of time at the pizza oven so only got to snap a couple of pix.

Some of the cars:





Some of the people:



The next generation of Fiat enthusiasts:

Cute '59 600:

And a pile of food for the food bank, thanks!