Mac's X...

Hi Rose,

Thanks for checking in, and great to hear from you!

If Mac's car actually makes it here, I'll surely post tons of photos of the restoration as I go.
I plan on making this a well documented project with lots of involvement from our XWeb community.
You'll all see this materialize over time. With what I have to do, I'm estimating this will take about 2 years to complete.
I travel a lot and we have about 5 months we can work on cars here, (cold here in winter!) but this
is how I see it so far.

About shipping: I really don't want the donations used for shipping, as some folks have issue with it.
I ask that you please donate those funds in Mac's honor to your and Leslie's choosing. It would be
better for all if you do this. I do appreciate your offer but please use the funds unrelated to the car. (thank you!)

When / If I receive the car, I want to "own" it with no strings attached. My goal
is to restore it in the image that I and others understood Mac would have liked it to be, while at the same time
adding special items from our XWeb community to make it truly a group involved project.

We all have such high respect for what Mac has given us so you can imagine the interest all this has made.

Thank you Rose and visit often!

Best Regards,
Never met Greg or Bob, but after contact with them both on this forum, this project could not be in better hands....For what it's worth I say go for it Bob! As for the donations, they were given to Mac's memory with absolute faith in Gregory to do as he sees fit, whatever you decide Gregory I'm sure will be fine. Can't wait for the project to begin , I'll be watching with eager eyes, who knows maybe one day us foreigners will get the chance to visit the workshop:thumbsup:
IF posssible...

I would like to bid on an xl tshirt and hat and sticker.... Let me know if it is ok to proceed....