Useless engine cover prop


True Classic
I had the stock engine cover prop off the car for six months and just reinstalled it. But it won't hold the engine cover up...holds it about an inch from being latched. Pretty sure I have it on correctly, there is only one way to bolt it to the fire wall and have the plastic washer over the stud on the engine cover. The only thing missing is the cotter pin that goes through the cover stud. What happened, why does the prop not hold the cover up?

Do I need to post a pic?
I don't know if this is your situation but I had one with a bent "wire" that would not hold up the lid. It looked a bit distorted; not sure if it had been damaged or just fatigued/worn. I tried bending it back but it did not work. I've also noticed if the plastic wheel is worn it has less tension and the lid can fall down. I found new replacements for both parts on the LADA parts site. But I'm sure they are available from other sources.
The spring/props do tend to get saggy. I went to the hardware store and bought some 3/16" round wooden dowel. I find it easier to work on the engine with the lid vertical, so I cut the dowel to a length that holds the lid all the way open.
I had my own home made prop rod but went back to stock in preparation for selling. Now I use a piece of white water pipe to do the real work.
If I wasn't upside down on this car I'd install some cool hydraulic struts but I'm done spending money on the car.
When working in the engine compartment, I unclip the spring that holds the lid up, and take a rope that I made in the 70s that has a loop that goes over the passenger side wipe shaft and hooks on the metal loop under the lid that is used to lock it. The rope holds the lid right up against the targa bar so it is almost completely out of the way, and it only takes a few seconds to install.
This was my solution….
Mike, I have something similar, a rod that is attached to the stud on the engine lid which pivots down so it's end sits on the cam box cover.
I have started using a telescopic tyre iron, Handle to the top and the little bend with the socket on it on the chassis. Works a treat.
I had to remove my spring to make space for turbo ducting after I fitted my charge cooler.
Mine was losing tension and falling as well. I clamped the Two rods squeezing them closer together with one of those big black binder clips, then I pulled off the little chrome wire wings that you squeeze to open the clip. I put it on from behind. So. you don't see the flat part of the clip. It blends right in and you hardly notice it. Been working fine for about 5 years, now.
I fixed mine with just a PLASTIC CORD, yup the little plastic belt to tie up wires or whatever! only tie to avoid opening the gap too wide when the white rod is in the open position (used a .25 inch width)
I did this years ago when I couldn't find new parts and to be honest I don't remember if it's still there or was replaced for a new one it in, my x1/9 is sitting in my warehouse, sorry no pics.