W: Imperfect Parts Donations Welcome.

Thanks to everyone:)

Hey all.
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who contributed parts, time, comments, and everything else to my little project.
When I started this thread, there's no way I could have imagined how overwhelmingly successful it would turn out.
I thought maybe a few people might contribute a few "less than perfects" to help offset the seemingly ever increasing number of missing and/or broken things I was finding as I worked on the car...
Long story short, I totally underestimated this community. lol
You guys have been amazing.
So amazing, in fact, that I ended up with, *literally*, more parts coming in than I could actually keep track of.
So I really have to apologize for not being able to keep up with updating the list to show what all parts had been taken care of and thanking everyone here as things arrived.
I feel kind of guilty about that:\
My brain just gets too overwhelmed whenever I start trying to catalog all that stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to get it all written up eventually, but I have no idea when.
Anyway, I also wanted to let people know that I didn't actually drop off the face of the earth:p
The car, and me, and the project, are all still alive:)
Getting the car into shape also somewhat requires getting me into shape as well.
So fixing it, somewhat requires fixing myself up a bit, and my life as well, at the same time.
So, while work on the car has gone pretty slow lately, i've managed to accomplish some other things.
Mostly minor stuff, but one big thing is that I quit smoking.
And it didn't even put me into an asylum. :D
So that's been fixed.
and i'll go ahead and post a few updates.
I also got the gas tank cleaned up and re-installed (can't remember if I mentioned that).
I got the rear window from jim installed (think i may have mentioned that).
the back injury is mostly better (can't remember if i mentioned that)
my elbow seems to be mostly healed (can't remember if i mentioned that before either).
i still haven't dropped the starter to clean it up, or done the additional work on the grounds that i'd planned.
fuel system is still partially disassembled.
shelves i'd started building to store parts and stuff on are still unfinished.
lots and lots of parts you guys sent me are still uninstalled. fabrication work required to install some of them is still not done.
"forest" that sprang up around everything due to all the rain we've been having has been mostly chopped down.
mosquito problem is... out of control. (to put it mildly)
can't remember what all other little things i've done on the car lately, but there's been some weather and health issues making progress somewhat difficult.
but i'll keep pluggin away. you guys sent me parts, so it's my job to install em. i'm just a bit of a slow-poke:p
Anyway, I think most of the parts on the lists have been taken care of by your lovely contributions, so i should have enough to keep me busy for a while.
Thanks again to everyone, for your support:)
You've all been *amazing*.
I'll try to post some updates as work progresses, but i'm not sure yet where I should put them.
This might not be the best place, since it's the fs&w forum.
Suggestions are welcome:)
Take care everyone, and I hope your summer and projects are going well!