W: Imperfect Parts Donations Welcome.

Slightly bent.

Just thought I'd let you know, when I said I had some experience at being a "broken person" it wasn't meant in a self-depreciating sort of way or anything.
"Slightly Bent" sounds nice actually, I have no problems being happy if I'm only slightly bent;)
I was speaking in a fairly literal sense though, as in, there is literally some damaged and broken things in my brain, which has left me with some various limitations, and that in some ways that can be helpful when it comes being able to understand the perspective of others who have also found themselves suddenly having to live within a different or unusual set of limitations due to things in their brain or body getting a bit broken.
So please don't worry, if I say something like that, it's not like, a symptom of depression or an indication that I'm feeling excessively bad about myself, etc that it might mean if it was said by a "slightly less bent" person. It's more of just an artifact of approaching concepts from a different perspective.
Just as a quick example that might help demonstrate what I'm trying to get across...
Maybe 8 years or so ago, back when I first started getting to the point where I could walk a few blocks to a nearby gas station without much danger of me getting lost or walking out in front of cars and such, my sister started putting a little bit of money into my wallet.
Her idea was sort of dual purpose, because she both felt that, 1) Even if a person can't count money, they can still be capable of understanding the concept of being "broke" enough that it can make them feel bad if they have no money at all. (Personally, I'd judge her theory as correct, at least in my case) and 2) If I had a little bit of money to spend on some ice creams or pop or whatever snacks, it could act as a bit of a reward to encourage me to go out sometimes into that scary arse world on days that I could handle it. (Again, this theory seemed to work out well).
Background out of the way now...
So I go to the store, pick out some candy or something, and the lady says how much it is and I pull out all the papers and coins and try to figure out who to like, turn the piles into what she'd said it'd cost, but my I didn't really understand money and had severe problems with math. So it'd get a bit frustrating/embarrassing and I'd be like, "Sorry it's taking so long, I'm a bit brain-damaged..." And The lady was real nice and was like "Noooo, don't say that..."
She was really nice, but it ended up that she was a bit *too* nice in a way, because when I finally gave up and was trying to let her know that I needed her to just like, count up what was needed out of my money pile and take it for me because I couldn't do it myself, it kept going back and forth between me trying to explain that my brain was *literally* damaged, and she kept trying to encourage me "not to feel bad".
It's sort of funny when I remember problems like that, but man, it could really be difficult at the time.
Anyway, just thought I'd let you know that I'm not like, "putting myself down" or anything when I say something like that.
So I happen to be a bit "broken" sort of like a person with a broken arm is "a bit broken".
My Bent-ness, well, I was probably always a little bit bent, I think that's too much a part of who I am to be able to change it even if I could.
After all. I play guitar, love FIATS, watch far too many random/obscure movies for most people to get my "reference jokes", believe in love, know far more about fixing computers than how to respond correctly in "common social situations", met a wonderful Australian woman through an online game and married her in a "renaissance themed" wedding...
Yeah, I'm always going to end up being somewhat of an oddball to most people no matter how much my brain ever heals:p
Take care and have a good evening sir;)
Hey thanks btw.

Some of the things you've said, they've had a little time to sink in a bit.
It's been helpful.
It gave me a bit of an external perspective to look at things from.
Don't know quite how to explain it...
But I guess you could say, I've been somewhat fighting against some of my difficulties in order to become a person who could be a part of the world outside my front door for so long, that I've somehow missed the fact that I really have already started living *outside my front door* to a fair extent.
A lot has changed in the last 3 to 6 months. lol
Anyway, thanks. It relieves a lot of stress and anxiety.
I feel like I can finally relax a little.
Thanks for saying you were a freak and a psycho and making me laugh.
Helped bridge a gap in my head, so now I can also understand and accept some of the sort of "reassuring" things others have already said a little better.
Sometimes I takes me reading/hearing things a few times through before I *really* get it.
I'm probably not *POOF!* suddenly fixed by any means, but it's sort of like fixing up/restoring a car. Every one little broken piece that gets repaired/fixed ends up making things work a little better overall.
So, thanks for helping me fix a little piece of the non-FIAT part of my
"Pheonix Project";)
Sorry I'm late seeing this!

Didn't see your message till now.
Will send you the info here in just a minute.
Sorry again for not catching this till now.
The grill... Awesome:D
Yep, your donation has been on the move!

Yup yup:D
It's getting around isn't it?
If it turns out he doesn't end up needing it afterall for some reason, maybe it'll get another trip across the states to yet another needy member. Might end up eventually circling the globe before it finds the perfect home:)
You said to pass on or do whatever I wanted with anything from the box that I didn't end up necessary, so I took you up on the idea and passed one of the goodies on to another in need.
Now it's like you've helped two needy members for the price of one this week. Spring discount. We're on sale!
I guess I got to be your generosity broker? lol
Anyway, I need to look over and update the thread, I think I've got all the necessities I need for now and stuff It's just a little too long and too much info to go over at the moment.
I've been gradually feeling worse and worse ever since I ate a bunch of weird stuff last night at the chinese place last night, and man.
Yeah, I'm finally ready to admit, I'm sick. sick as a dog. I really need to go ahead and lay down. lol
Hope everybody had a great weekend:)
I'll be back and do updates to things on here after I get over this. my just need a bucket of cold water to drink and a good deep long night's sleep.

oooh I just thought of this.
the vinyl is stapled inside to the console.
how about carefully removing it and taking the padding off and then gluing the cover back on?
the earlier consoles are smaller(stuffed late model in my 74,) so an early console sans padding might be even more comfortable:nod:
Interesting thought

That's a thought. I'll have to look into that after Jim sends the older console.
Thanks for the suggestion. Input is always appreciated:)
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Finally found a box

I was surprised at the dimensions of the console and had trouble finding a box that would fit it. Looks like the box for my HF welder is a winner. It is still full of crap from the move 1.5 years ago. I will try to get moving on that next week.

My son bought a new TV and I told him to save the box. The plan is to cut it down and try to ship the rear window in it. I will talk to you about that after I figure it out. I have no idea what UPS will charge for a long box, but they brought the TV to the house, so they should accept it. They can be weird about box sizes sometimes.
Caprice issue seems resolved.

Just thought I'd mention that the problem with the Caprice that was in the way of working on my project seems to be taken care of.
It's got oil pressure again and seems to be running fine.
Still have to work on the overheating issue with wife's Escort, but at least I'm a step closer to getting back on the FIAT project now and don't have to worry about her not being able to have something to drive to work.
Injured elbow that was also making work difficult seems to be much better now as well. Didn't have any real trouble turning wrenches and carrying things around, so I think I can start using it a bit more now as long as I don't overdo it.
Couldn't remember what all I'd mentioned about progress on my little project, but thought I'd do a bit of an update if anybody had been following along and wondered how things were progressing.
Anyway, take care everyone and hope things are going good on your projects as well:)
Bracket and springs recieved:D

Got em in the mail today.
Thank you sir:D
A work table is in the way of installing them at the moment, but I can get started on the TLC work on the brackets.
Bit o work with the wire wheel and a coat of some stuff I have to deal with rust outta fix the brackets right up:)
The springs looked nice and ready to install straight out of the box:D
Did you dip everything before you sent it or something?
Anyway, thanks a bunch sir!
Exactly as they came off our barn find

I guess the springs must be stainless and the brackets aren't!!!


Heater gasket/seal

Getting ready to do my last parts order till summer, and wanted to get the stuffs to install the heater valve.
You said I needed a seal.
Bayless had an O-ring, but then there is also what appears to be a gasket, but I wasn't sure if both are needed for changing the valve.
Do you think I need the O-ring, or the gasket, or both?
Copper crush washers for brake hoses?

I think I read that I'm supposed to replace these when I install the brake hoses, anyone know off the top of their head how many are needed in total?
Would just go out and look but I just finished sealing everything up out there against rain.
Of course I didn't remember to look *before* doing that. lol
sheesh. I'm a dingaling.
You need 4

I think I read that I'm supposed to replace these when I install the brake hoses, anyone know off the top of their head how many are needed in total?

One each between the hose and the caliper. Not really a specialty item, a local hardware or auto parts store might have them.
